Sunday School @ 9:30am in the Youth Center.
Our current format is “Master Teacher” where we gather around the Youth Center in Table Groups. Tables are designated as Jr High (Grades 7-9) or Sr High (Grades 10-12). Youth are welcome to choose their table to be a part of for the school year. The design of Sunday School is to engage youth by engaging God’s Word.
Morning Worship @ 10:45am in the Worship Center.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Our current format is “Master Teacher” where we gather around the Youth Center in Table Groups. Tables are designated as Jr High (Grades 7-9) or Sr High (Grades 10-12). Youth are welcome to choose their table to be a part of for the school year. The design of Sunday School is to engage youth by engaging God’s Word.
Morning Worship @ 10:45am in the Worship Center.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Re:Generation Youth Choir @ 4:00pm in the Choir Room.
Our Youth is under the direction of Jeff Scoggins. They sing regularly in the services, and is open to any youth grades 7-12.
Focus Groups @ 5:00pm in the Youth Center.
Our Focus Groups are designed to be 1) smaller 2) gender specific–i.e. Boys groups & Girls groups 3) and age specific–i.e. Jr High groups & Sr High groups. The design is to help equip the youth to impact their world through evangelism equipping. Our Focus meet during the school year only.
Re:Generation Youth Choir @ 4:00pm in the Choir Room.
Our Youth is under the direction of Jeff Scoggins. They sing regularly in the services, and is open to any youth grades 7-12.
Focus Groups @ 5:00pm in the Youth Center.
Our Focus Groups are designed to be 1) smaller 2) gender specific–i.e. Boys groups & Girls groups 3) and age specific–i.e. Jr High groups & Sr High groups. The design is to help equip the youth to impact their world through evangelism equipping. Our Focus meet during the school year only.
Evening Worship @ 6:00pm in the Worship Center.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Encounter @ 6:00pm in the Youth Center.
Encounter is our weekly worship service for youth. We gather today and enjoy: opening mixers, a “midweek moment”–a funny video, learn our Scripture memory verse for the month, sing praises to our Lord, pray together, and walk through a sermon series.
Encounter @ 6:00pm in the Youth Center.
Encounter is our weekly worship service for youth. We gather today and enjoy: opening mixers, a “midweek moment”–a funny video, learn our Scripture memory verse for the month, sing praises to our Lord, pray together, and walk through a sermon series.