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Sunday School @ 9:30am in the Youth Center.
Our current format is “Master Teacher” where we gather around the Youth Center in Table Groups. Tables are designated as Jr High (Grades 7-9) or Sr High (Grades 10-12). Youth are welcome to choose their table to be a part of for the school year. The design of Sunday School is to engage youth by engaging God’s Word.
Morning Worship @ 10:45am in the Worship Center.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Re:Generation Youth Choir @ 4:00pm in the Choir Room.
Our Youth is under the direction of Jeff Scoggins. They sing regularly in the services, and is open to any youth grades 7-12.
Focus Groups @ 5:00pm in the Youth Center.
Our Focus Groups are designed to be 1) smaller 2) gender specific–i.e. Boys groups & Girls groups 3) and age specific–i.e. Jr High groups & Sr High groups. The design is to help equip the youth to impact their world through evangelism equipping. Our Focus meet during the school year only.
Evening Worship @ 6:00pm in the Worship Center.
Youth gather together with the rest of the church family to worship together.
Encounter @ 6:00pm in the Youth Center.
Encounter is our weekly worship service for youth. We gather today and enjoy: opening mixers, a “midweek moment”–a funny video, learn our Scripture memory verse for the month, sing praises to our Lord, pray together, and walk through a sermon series.