Brother Al instructs children who are beginning a new life with Jesus as their Savior. Topics in this class include salvation, baptism, Lord’s Supper and Christian growth. (Coming Soon: The catechism booklet used in class)
Brother Al instructs children who are beginning a new life with Jesus as their Savior. Topics in this class include salvation, baptism, Lord’s Supper and Christian growth. (Coming Soon: The catechism booklet used in class)
Dear Parents – At Lakeview, we want to join you in your desire for your children to be saturated with the Word of God so that they treasure Jesus alone as the One who saves and satisfies the heart. The goal of the Children Desiring God curriculum is to fuel spiritual desire in children by […]
SUNDAYS: 9:15am Sunday School 10:45am Morning Worship Service (KidStyle Worship for Ages 4-7) 4:45pm Joyful Noise Choir (during the school year only) 6:00pm Evening Worship Service WEDNESDAYS: 4:45pm Fellowship Meal (during the school year only) 6:00pm M-PAC :: Missionary Prayer and Care (Grades 1-6)